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Creighton, Saskatchewan

Beaver City History

Saskatchewan 's first gold rush started in 1913 when Tom Creighton discovered gold on Amisk Lake. Eager prospectors quickly established Beaver City near the Hudson Bay Post and warehouse on the south shore of the lake. Kate Rice, one of Canada's earliest female prospectors began her career at Beaver City.

At it's height, Beaver City included Federal Government Ranger Station and fire tower, Revlon Frere's Trading Post, Hayes Boarding house, Royal Northwest Mounted Police Post and Colette's Boat Ferrying service.

With the onset of WW 1, interest in gold waned as demand for copper increased significantly. By 1918 most inhabitants had left Beaver City for nearby Flin Flon, where copper was discovered in 1915.

Beaver City quickly became a ghost town, never to recover.


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