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Creighton, Saskatchewan
Town of Creighton Bylaws

The Creighton Town Office maintains all Bylaws passed by Council.  Listed below are some of the more frequently requested Bylaws.  For information on Bylaws not provided on this site, please contact the Town Office at 306-688-8253.

This information contained on these pages has no legal status and have been provided solely for research and/or convenience. This is not an official listing of all Town of Creighton Bylaws. The official bylaws are available from Town Office and must be consulted for purposes of interpretation and application of the law.

Administration Bylaw outlining duties of designated officers of the Town of Creighton

Connection Bylaw outlining the connection of property with sewers and utilities

Fire Prevention Bylaw outlining fire prevention measures, including open fires

Fire Protection Bylaw outlining the establishment of the Fire Department

Landfill Bylaw outlining landfill hours of operation and general guidelines

Minimum Tax Bylaw outlining minimum tax regulations for land classes

Procedure Bylaw outlining the establishment of procedures within the Town of Creighton

Public Notice Bylaw outlining requirements with respect to any matters for which public notice is required to be given by Council

Dangerous Dog Bylaw outlining concern for people & property, ensuring humane treatment of dogs

Creighton Traffic Bylaw outlining vehicle operation regulations, including gross weight

Business License Bylaw outlining license regulations, including business licensing

Zoning Bylaw - Maps

Listed below are some of the policies that are most frequently asked about.  For information on these or other policies not provided on this site, please contact the Town Office at 306-688-8253.

Code of Ethics for Members of Council

Municipal Employee Code of Conduct

Pet Ownership Policies (Licensing Fees, Pound Rates...)

Creighton Volunteer Fire Department (False Call Out fees, outside town boundary rates...)

Digital Sign Advertising (Advertising rates, guidelines...)

Leasing (Property Lease rates...)

Landfill (Landfill use rates for residents and non-residents...)

Temporary Signs (Guidelines for temporary signs on Highway #167...)

Policing Fees (Fees for fingerprints & criminal record checks...)

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